Controflow exclusively from SuDS store

Controflow Domestic


Applications - permeable paving, shallow underground storage structures or where haunching or other underground obstruction prevents the use of the shallow Micro level invert chamber.

A small flow control chamber with a 110mm diameter inlet and protected orifice located at the base of a removable flow control tube. The flow control tube allows access to a deeper chamber where pipe inlet depth is obstructed by other construction factors like kerb haunching or existing pipe work.

The removable flow control tube is perforated to protect the orifice in the base of the tube. The handle to the tube provides access by hand for inspection and cleaning. This product does not incorporate an internal overflow (if required, use Controflow Mini or Universal).

Please specify:

  •  Depth of cover/frame to be used
  • Orifice diameter  =
  • Flow Rate (l/s) Head Driving Flow (m)
    Controflow Domestic Cross Section
    Controflow Domestic Drawings

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